Day 8 - 7/23/2004 - And the rains fell...

And fell, and fell, and fell.  Our trip up the dirt road to the trailhead in the "Command Module" (aka Family Van) was a washout.  Winds blew threw the valley last night, and it sounded like the tent was going to blow over. Then we had off-and-on wind blown rain until the wind died down and the rain started in full force.  We did have a chance to finally do laundry in Stowe, and to get showers.  We are thinking of renaming the adventure from Highpointing tour to "Movie Tour" - took another downtime day in the rain and saw Bourn Supremacy. Good Flick.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to clear and we are going to try Mt. Mansfield again.  It really is a wimp of a highpoint, but since we do not have a 4x4, we have to be alittle more choosey on the roads.

After Mansfield, we are going to go west (over Lake Champlain) and into the Adarondaks.  Depending on travel time, we will plan to do Mt. Marcy (NY Highpoint) either Sunday or Monday.  Marcy is somewhere between Katahdin, ME and Mt. Rogers VA in terms of difficulty.  It is a 14-mile round trip with about 3600ft of gain (about 8-10 hours).

Wish us luck!