Day 32 - 8/16/2004 - Recuperation

Today was a very slow day, thanks mostly to the bumps, bruises, blisters, scrapes, scratches, sore muscles, and a bit of pumice still in our lungs.  We slept in until 8:30, broke camp, and headed down I-5 toward Portland.  We stopped here and there for snacks and info. We still felt tired and hot, and decided to stop south of Salem, Oregon (early - 2:30 PM) where we checked into a hotel, rested, and watched some TV.  After a short time, we wandered off for dinner where we discovered an Indian restaurant.  I coached Hunter into trying this new cuisine, and he was very open-minded to the new experience.  He had Tandori Shrimp, and I had the Tandori Chicken,  He ate the breads, the curries, tried the sauces, and fell in love with the deserts.  By the end of the meal he realized that he now likes Indian food.  This should open up some new avenues for dinner once we get back.

After that it was off to Borders for a web update, and back for a good night's rest.  (OK, we watched a little Aqua Teen Hunger Force before bedtime).  As a result we have renamed the Montana the "Danger Cart".