Day 28 - 8/12/2004 - Westward again.

Still recovering from no sleep from the previous night (and pumped full of Red Bull) we drove down to Tacoma to get a shower and hook up with an old friend - Joe Hamby from Nexcom.  We found a hotel, settled in, and went down to the pool.  That was probably the most wonderful swim I have had in years.  I was concerned that Hunter and I would turn the pool the color of White River (volcanic gray), given all of the hiking and lack of showers that past few days.  

We got cleaned up and went out to Red Robin to meet him for Dinner.  For those that do not know him, Joe Hamby is the kind of guy that speaks his mind and will feed it to you straight.  In my book that makes him a hell of a guy, essepcially in this age of appeasement where there is more concern for people's feelings than their well being.  Anyway, Joe also has a great sense of humor and we talked well into the evening over copius amounts of strawberry lemonaid.  Always good to see ya Joe!

Hunter and I went back and crashed to catch up on the sleep we had missed the previous night.