Day 23 - 8/7/2004 - Saturday night in Idaho Falls...Thank you Jack in the Box!

The morning was even colder than the previous - I would guess it got into the upper 30's (just checked online - 39 degrees). We packed up for points westward, got a cup of coffee, and headed toward the south entrance.  On the way out, we could see the steady stream of traffic headed in on the beautiful Saturday morning.  We reached the gate, and continued south for the Tetons.

The Tetons are what all mountains aspire to be - rugged, tall, rocky, and perpetually claiming a thin veneer of ice and snow.  They stand out amidst the bald, treeless hills that cover much of northwestern Wyoming.  Seeing these peaks makes me understand why the highpoint of Wyoming (Gannet Peak) is rated right behind Mt. McKinley in Alaska as the most difficult.

We continued south through Jackson WY, and tuned west toward Idaho.  After crossing a pass though the Tetons (wish I had about 100 more horsepower for the hills), we snaked through a steady series of valleys until we reached Idaho Falls.  It occupies two exits on the interstate - if you miss it, it's 10 miles to the closest turn around.

Hunter and I spied a Jack-in-the-Box burger joint across the street from the hotel.  Another exciting Saturday night.


Looking across Yellowstone Lake in the early morning.jpg

The effects of the 1988 fire.jpg

Hunter waking up.jpg

Tetons from a distance.jpg

Still more WOW.jpg

Looking across Yellowstone Lake in the early morning

The effects of the 1988 fire

Hunter waking up

Tetons from a distance

Still more WOW

Grand Teton on the left.jpg

Grand Teton at the base.jpg

Thats a good climb.jpg

Hunter in ID.jpg

We made it.jpg

Grand Teton on the left

Grand Teton at the base

That's a good climb

Hunter in ID

We made it